1MC Chico has a new presenter tomorrow May 8th! Join us at 1 Million Cups, Chico and meet Nutracompass! Nutracompass is a fitness app that seamlessly connects all aspects of your fitness journey. It offers multiple services such as logging nutritional intake and workouts, while also providing direct connectivity with your gym. With Nutracompass, you can easily log your foods using the barcode scanner, track your nutritional intake, and customize your nutrition goals with ease. Luke Bonaparte, co-founder and Kinesiology student at Sacramento State, and Justin Mickle, co-founder with a background in nutrition from the same institution, shared a unified goal and created this business. Together, they aim to improve people’s lives by simplifying health and fitness, both in the kitchen and at the gym. Don't miss out on this opportunity to connect with Nutracompass and be part of their journey. They are trying to get the word out about their business and the Chico community can be a great step towards helping them expand and accomplish their goal of giving people a tool they can use to live a more healthy lifestyle.
Wednesday May 8, 2024
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM PDT
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6161 Clark Road, Suite 1, Paradise, CA 95969 – (530) 877-9356 – info@paradisechamber.com