Hands On Dog Training


Dog Training

About Us

Hands On Dog Training helps dog owners deepen the bond they share with their dogs by offering reward based positive training methods. Dog training should not be hard work. We aim to make training your dog less stressful and more fun, for the family and your dog!

Are you having issues with a dog with a mind of its own? Does your puppy have more energy than you know what to do with? Are you feeling anxious when your dog is around other dogs or people? Hands On Dog Training can help you. Free 30-minute consultations available!

- Certification for Professional Dog Trainers – CPDT-KA
- Animal Behavior College (ABC) certified dog trainer
- Certified American kennel Club (AKC) Canine Good Citizen Evaluator
- Certified in Pet CPR and First Aid
- Trish King Academy of Dog Behavior-Level 1& 2

- Professional member APDT, Association of Professional Trainers
- Member IAABC, International Association of Animal Canine Professionals

Additional Training:
- Train On the Cutting Edge with Pamelia Reid, PhDAlpha Bitch Conference, Marin Humane Society, Novato, CA
- Alpha Bitch Conference, Marin Humane Society, Novato, CAAPDT Conference attendance
- APDT Conference attendance
- Sue Sternberg – Dog to Dog aggression
- Dr. Ian Dunber – Adolescent Dog Workshop
- Dr. Ian Dunbar’s Social Behavior & Treatment of Fearfulness, Reactivity, & Aggression
- Suzanne Clothier

- Humane Society Silicon Valley
- Our Pack Pitt Bull Rescue


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