Join Deja Vu Gardens Galore Nursery for growing your own fruit trees. All participants with be provided with name tags, note pad, pen or pencil, and class handouts. We will conduct an Icebreaker prior to beginning the class to encourage participants to engage in our discussions. At the end of the class, all attendees will be entered into our drawing and the winner will receive a $25 Gift Certificate for Déjà Vu Nursery. A lecture will include the information on the many fruit tree varieties available in the area, how to select favorite varieties, as well as the varieties best suited for our area. In addition, the importance of amending our clay soils, non-burning root boosters, proper planting techniques, proper pruning, watering and fertilizing techniques, common pests and diseases on fruit trees, future maintenance, mulching, and how to protect their orchard from deer and their rutting season. We will then follow with an nursery tour and open Q & A Forum to address all the questions. This opportunity is in partnership with Neighbor-To-Neighbor.
The engagement of participants will bring social connections and reassure participants they are not alone in this endeavor; furthermore, we are all in this together. Gaining knowledge is paramount in building confidence to ask questions and offer answers based on their understanding, while encouraging engagement with their neighbors and our community.
This class is open to all: Empowering participants via an interactive lecture and a Q & A Forum to engage discussion on the knowledge of the best Fruit Tree Varieties in our area! We encourage you to bring a neighbor or friend. Creating Neighbor-to-Neighbor Connections via Group Interactive Discussions and an Icebreaker. Participants will be learning about the various fruit tree varieties that do well in our area, as well as planting, watering, fertilizing and pruning techniques, amending our clay soil and so much more!
Saturday Jan 18, 2025
11:45 AM - 3:00 PM PST