Who: For adults and children of all ages! Come celebrate the Gold Nugget Days at the annual Gold Nugget Craft Faire! A Spring time community tradition that has taken place in the community for 47 years.
What: The faire will feature a variety of crafts created by artisans from all over Northern California, Oregon, and Nevada. An assortment of food vendors will also be available.
Why: The Gold Nugget Craft Fair has been a long standing tradition for the Paradise area for nearly 50 years. People near and far travel to the town to enjoy the magic of community tradition. It also allows over 50 local small businesses to come together in one place.
How: Spend the weekend supporting local businesses and enjoying all the family fun festivities that the District has to offer!
Saturday Apr 26, 2025 Sunday Apr 27, 2025
Free admission to the public. Contact the Paradise Recreation and Park District for information on being a vendor.
The Paradise Recreation and Park District
6626 Skyway
Paradise, CA 95969
(530) 872-6393
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